Dribbling is one of the most important technical fundamentals in basketball.

What is dribbling in basketball

The bounce is one of the most important aspects at an offensive level in basketball, since it is the only means that the player who carries the ball has to be able to move around the court.

For this reason, it is essential that players know how to perfectly master everything related to the pot. In this way, the goal of a player should be to be able to move around the court without worrying about the pot, which in turn will allow him to concentrate on other facets of the game. It should be sought that it ends up being a natural gesture.

Also, keep in mind that there are some rules related to the pot that make it essential to master it perfectly so as not to incur them and harm the team due to a poorly executed action.

Technical aspects of basketball dribbling

There are several main points to keep in mind when we talk about dribbling in basketball, such as:

  • You should never look at the ball, as this greatly limits the ability we have to develop the game in all its fullness.
  • It is necessary to learn to use both hands interchangeably for handling. Otherwise, we would be having our capabilities greatly limited on the field.
  • It should not be abused, that is, it should not be thrown in excess, even if it is perfectly mastered. For this reason, it is important to know from the beginning what the bounce is for, which helps us to penetrate to the basket, change the ball to the side when the pass is not possible or to look for better angles; and also to get out of a rival pressure situation.

In this way, it should never be used for the sake of using it and the boat should never be finished until the desired objective is achieved.

Position and technique

To know how to dribble in basketball it is very important to pay close attention to position and technique. To begin with, the body must be semi-flexed, making the weight of the body fall on the balls of the feet.

The feet should be in a normal position, that is, they should be shoulder-width apart and one a little further forward than the other. This will be the one that corresponds to the hand with which the pot is made.

You don’t have to look at the ball as it bounces, but focus on feeling it and not looking at it. In this way, control will be achieved while having a broader view of the field and the game. This makes it easier to find teammates or opportunities to shoot or drive to the basket.

The fingers, and more specifically, their tips, are the only ones that must be in contact with the ball. They are in charge of caressing it, leaving a hole in the hand and preventing the palm from touching the ball. In this way it is possible to have greater control over the ball.

The ball must be propelled smoothly, without hitting it, and with the wrist, which will serve as cushioning and leverage. The flexion of the wrist is what allows you to maintain contact with the ball for a longer time and this favors the control you have over it. The elbow, meanwhile, should be slightly off the body.

The forearm should also continue the movement of the ball, with an elbow flexion. However, the shoulder and arm should be off and not go up and down with it. The arm opposite the bouncing hand is in a normal position, it should be slightly relaxed along the body. The boat, usually, should not be done above the waist.

Types of dribbling in basketball

The types of boats that exist in basketball are mainly four, which are the following:

  • Progression jackpot. It is the one that is carried out continuously, when moving around the field. In it, the ball is bounced in front and to the side of the body, making it rise to waist height.
  • Protection boat. It is used to maintain position when we are being harassed by a rival defense that prevents progression. Here a slightly more flexed position than the basic one is adopted, in order to protect the ball. The boat, therefore, will be lower, at the height of the knees.
  • Speed ​​boat. Your objective is to advance as quickly as possible, as if to make a counterattack after robbery. The ball is propelled forward, higher than the waist and taking as many steps as possible between each of the bounces.
  • Boat with two hands. It can only be given once by regulation and is usually used by centers to gain position from the defender. This boat is given with force between the legs.


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