Racquet sports are on the rise, which makes many people want to know how to play paddle tennis and seek to learn its techniques in depth, such as the shot for three. Apart from all this, taking into account that many people practice it, there are those who are looking for a way to know how to find paddle tennis players.

The fact that it is a sport that is played between two couples, it is essential to find people to play this sport, in addition to the material and make a reservation for the track. The usual problem that we find when playing this sport is that we may lack people to play with. For this reason, we are going to give you a series of tips so that you can find other players in this sport.

Search for padel players, coaches or padel courts on the net

Before the coronavirus health pandemic, it was easier to find other people to play paddle tennis. You just had to sign up for tournaments or go to different classes, although later, as a result of the pandemic and its restrictions, everything was more complex.

With the passage of time and the return to a new normality, although with the virus still present, although it is possible to bet on these routes again, there are others to resort to. We can take advantage of the numerous advantages offered by the internet to contact other paddle tennis players.

Through the network you can find numerous portals easily and quickly that allow us to get to know people with whom to play paddle tennis, as is the case of Padelist, a virtual community for lovers of this sport; and with whom you can contact quickly and easily. However, there are many other alternatives, including making use of the specific applications of paddle tennis clubs.

In some cases, these clubs have dedicated applications through which you can create matches and meet new people to play with through an intuitive interface. In this way, it is much more accessible to be able to enjoy this sport, being able to even be part of a ranking and have a score with which to progress and enjoy this racket sport.

How to contact padel players online

Finding people to play paddle tennis with on the internet is very simple thanks to the different communities of players of this sport that exist on the net. You only have to register in these and create your profile, which is usually free. After registering, which will not take more than a few seconds in most cases, you will be able to find different people with whom to enjoy this booming sport.

Depending on the platform you use, you will find different options to find padel players in different parts of the world, both in Spain and in any other country. Just by doing a search through a search engine, you can find platforms to organize matches anywhere.

This opens up many possibilities, since it allows us to play wherever we live as well as wherever we have gone on vacation. The process is in most cases very intuitive and simple.

Best applications to find padel players

There are a series of essential mobile applications for every padel player, thanks to which it is possible to find people to play with or reserve a court. Some of the most recommended are the following:


Playtomic is the leading app for padel court reservations. It is an essential tool for any amateur player of this sport; and it is that through it is possible to search for a clue and find it quickly.

Through geolocation you can find nearby options of paddle clubs, ordered by proximity. Thanks to this, you can reserve a track on the chosen day and time and you can even make the payment in the same application.

To all this we must add the possibility of creating matches that other people can join, which allows you to meet other players to enjoy this sport.


If you’re having a hard time organizing a match, another option is to sign up for TimPik. This is an ideal tool for amateur paddle tennis players and other sports, as it offers the possibility of contacting other people and organizing paddle matches to which different people can sign up.

It is a perfect application to find players of this sport and be able to share the hobby with others. You can indicate rules or establish rules when creating the match, being a very useful tool to search for rivals and/or teammates.


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