A treadmill is a fitness machine that allows us to run inside closed rooms, while allowing us to make adjustments to the intensity of the exercise. Once we have already explained how to choose a treadmill, it is time to give you some basic guidelines so that you know how to start training on a treadmill.

These types of machines are one of the most used in gyms, but more and more people are also deciding to buy one to have in their home. In this way it is possible to exercise and do cardio without having to suffer or depend on inclement weather.

Treadmills are a great option for improving our cardiovascular fitness, but it is also one of the most suitable general warm-up exercises to prepare for the practice of other routines or sports. However, by itself, this machine offers many training possibilities, being able to adjust speed, timed training, treadmill incline, high intensity and interval training, etc.

Although we have already explained how to use treadmills, below we will explain how you can start training on a treadmill, which will depend on your goals.

Instructions to start training on a treadmill

Next we are going to talk about different training options that depend on the objectives that you want to achieve. In this case we are going to give you the indications for different purposes, so that you can choose the one that best suits what you really need.

Preparing to run 5 kilometers

With a training of ten weeks, with three training sessions per week and a day of rest between each of them. In this way you can improve your physical condition and you can start running a distance of 5 kilometers at a good pace. When facing this type of training it is advisable to take into account the pulsations and not the mileage of the treadmill.

The steps to follow for this are the following:

  1. First of all, you should warm up for 2 minutes, and then jog for 5 minutes at a very easy jog.
  2. Then you will have to run for 3 minutes at a medium pace, then accelerate to run another three minutes, making your heart rate reach 80%.
  3. Then, once these three minutes have passed, you will have to slow down the treadmill, and run again at a medium pace for another three minutes.
  4. Repeat speeding up and slowing down every three minutes until you reach three repetitions.
  5. Once you’ve done the three reps mentioned, it’s time to move on to running at an easy pace for 5 minutes.
  6. Then do a new series, in this case at 85% of your heart rate for 5 minutes.
  7. To finish, run at an easy pace for 10 minutes, and finish by cooling down by walking for two minutes.

This process should be done the three days of the first week. Facing the second you will have to run five minutes at 90% of your capacity. As the weeks go by, you will be able to see a clear improvement, and once the ten weeks of training are over, you will be able to run a 5-kilometre race at a good pace.

hill training

If what you want is to do hill training, you will have to vary the incline of the treadmill, something that will help you develop greater resistance, but will also help increase the rate of metabolism, with the consequent increase in burning calories, higher than those of a conventional training.

In the event that you want to exercise in this way and start training with slopes on a treadmill, what you should follow is this other plan:

  1. First you will have to warm up for two minutes at a pace that is comfortable for you.
  2. Then you will have to, for 5 minutes, start running with the treadmill completely flat and at a medium pace.
  3. Raise the incline of the treadmill to 4 or 5%, then run for a minute and a half at a brisk pace to make it some effort, around 85% of your capacity. After this time, return the treadmill to 0% and reduce the pace to a very easy recovery attempt. Keep it for 3 minutes.
  4. You must repeat this series a total of 8 times, running fast for 80 seconds with an incline and resting with a light jog for 3 minutes each.
  5. Once you complete all eight sets, it should be time to run easy and flat for 5 minutes.
  6. Finally, to cool down and calm down you will have to walk for two minutes.

The total training lasts 50 minutes. This type of training helps you both when climbing hills and to improve your physical condition in general.


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